Extraordinary Announcement

Source Company Press Release
Company Opus Global Nyrt., MVM
Tags Country: Hungary, M&A: Asset Deal, Deals, Segment: Power
Date November 20, 2019

OPUS GLOBAL Public Limited Company (registered seat: 59 Andrássy Street, Budapest, HU-1062; authority of registration: Company Registry Court of Budapest-Capital Regional Court; company registration number: 01-10-042533) (‘Company’) hereby informs the Esteemed Investors that on 19th November 2019, the Company and STATUS Energy Private Equity Fund (registered seat: 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 59.; MNB registration number: 6122-53; managed by: Investment Management Company Ltd. [registered seat: 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 59.; authority of registration: : Company Registry Court of Budapest-Capital Regional Court; company registration number: 01-10-045654]) as potential sellers signed a letter of intent (‘Letter of Intent’) with MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company (registered seat: 1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207-209.; authority of registration: Company Registry Court of Budapest-Capital Regional Court; company registration number: 01-10-041828; ’MVM’) as potential buyer.

By signing the Letter of Intent, the participants have declared that they will enter into negotiations with each other regarding the sale of 77.66% indirect shareholding in Mátrai Power Plant Closed Company Limited by Shares (registered seat: 3271 Visonta, Erőmű utca 11.; authority of registration: Court of Registration of the Court of Eger; company registration number: 10-10-020024) by the Company and STATUS Energy Private Equity Fund and the purchase of the above shareholding by the MVM

The Company declares that, in its content, the Letter of Intent does not create a contractual obligation or any other binding obligation for any party solely based on the independent decision of the potential buyer.

During the negotiations, the parties shall use their best endeavors to reach a successful conclusion within the shortest reasonable period of time.

Source: EvaluateEnergy® ©2024 EvaluateEnergy Ltd