Softrock Minerals Ltd. Provides Deal Update in 2008 MDA Report

Source Company Report
Company Criterium Energy Ltd.
Tags Corporate: Overview/Strategy, Country: Canada, M&A: Asset Deal, Deals, Upstream: Upstream News
Date April 29, 2009

During 2008 the company expanded its interests in the oil and gas of Alberta by acquiring a 20% working interest from surface to base of Cretaceous, subject to its share of a 13% GORR, in all of section 35 (640 ac), including a shut-in Edmonton gas well in Township 44 Range 4 West 5 th Meridian (Minhik area) by paying its 20% share of a well to the base of the Cretaceous. Since the year end, this well has tested positive for Basal Cretaceous ( Ostracod B) light oil and a pump is being installed. The shut in shallow Edmonton gas well tested 64 Mcf per day.

Source: EvaluateEnergy® ©2025 EvaluateEnergy Ltd