Roberto Ferranti Resigns from Eni’s Board of Statutory Auditors

Source Company Press Release
Company ENI S.p.A.
Tags Corporate: Overview/Strategy, Country: Italy, Sustainability: People
Date September 05, 2013

Roberto Ferranti has resigned from Eni’s Board of Statutory Auditors. This is due to the incompatibility of the position he has taken on the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti with the office of Eni’s Statutory Auditor. This is in accordance with the Italian D.P.C.M. from  25 May  2012 concerning the divestiture of Snam.

Eni would like to thank Mr. Ferranti for his work with the Company.

In accordance with Eni’s by-laws, Francesco Bilotti, the alternate auditor drawn from the list of candidates presented by the shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, will take the place of Roberto Ferranti.

Francesco Bilotti’s curriculum vitae is available on Eni’s website.

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