Director/PDMR Shareholdings

Source Company Press Release
Company Deltic Energy Plc
Tags Corporate: Overview/Strategy, Country: United Kingdom, Sustainability: People
Date April 21, 2020

Cluff Natural Resources Plc, the AIM quoted natural resources investing company with a high impact exploration and appraisal portfolio focused on the Southern and Central North Sea gas basin, a nnounces that a Director, a family member of another Director on his behalf and a person discharging managerial responsibilities of the Company purchased a total of 2,668,438 ordinary shares in the Company on 20 April 2020, at an average price of 0.83 pence, equating to an aggregate value of £22,168. Details of these share purchases and the resultant shareholdings are shown below:

Director/Senior manager  Role  Number of ordinary shares purchased  Resultant number of ordinary shares held  Percentage of voting rights held 
Graham Swindells  Chief Executive  1,500,000  2,394,836  0.17% 
Mark Lappin*  Non-Executive Chairman  588,496*  1,174,887**  0.08%** 
Sarah McLeod  Chief Financial Officer  579,942  579,942  0.04% 

* 588,496 ordinary shares were purchased by Sarah Lappin, Mr Lappin's wife, on his behalf. Sarah Lappin is deemed to be a 'person closely associated' with Mr Lappin as defined in the FCA's Market Abuse Regulation.

**Includes 571,430 ordinary shares held by Mr Lappin in his own name.

Source: EvaluateEnergy® ©2025 EvaluateEnergy Ltd