Petrobras on Contracting for Block BM-C-33

Source Company Press Release
Company Petrobras (IFRS US$ Current), Equinor ASA, Sinopec Corp.
Tags Corporate: Overview/Strategy, Country: Brazil
Date May 10, 2023

Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed on 05/08/2023, informs that Equinor, on behalf of the consortium formed to develop block BM-C-33, has signed the contracts with MODEC Inc. for the supply of the production platform and TechnipFMC for the Submarine Systems

The platform to be built is of the FPSO (floating, production, storage and offloading unit) type and has the capacity to produce approximately 126 thousand bpd and 16 million m3/day of gas. Delivery of the FPSO is scheduled for 2027, and it will use combined cycle technology, contributing to reduce CO2 emissions. Considering the Company's consolidated portfolio of assets and projects, no impacts are expected on its disclosed oil and natural gas production targets.

In the submarine systems contract, implemented under the EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) modality, TechnipFMC will be responsible for the delivery and installation of the project's collection and production equipment.

The partnership for the development of this concession is composed of Equinor (35% - operator of the Block), Repsol Sinopec Brasil (35%), and Petrobras (30%).

Source: EvaluateEnergy® ©2024 EvaluateEnergy Ltd