Notification of the Voting Rights Total Amount

Source Company Press Release
Company ERG S.p.A.
Tags Corporate: Overview/Strategy, Country: Spain
Date December 07, 2023

ERG S.p.A. hereby announces the ordinary shares total amount as well as the total amount of the voting rights representing the share capital as at December 1st, 2023, pursuant to art. 127-quinquies of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998 and in accordance to the Articles of Association.

  Current outlook  Previous outlook 
  Share capital composition  Number of voting rights  Share capital composition  Number of voting rights 
Total amount, of which:  150,320,000  150,796,123  150,320,000  150,708,614 
Ordinary Shares (regular entitlement: 01.01.2023) – ISIN cod. IT0001157020 Current coupon no.: 27  149,843,877  149,843,877  149,931,386  149,931,386 
Ordinary Shares with increased voting rights (regular entitlement: 01.01.2023) – ISIN cod. IT0005497539 Current coupon no.: 27  476,123  952,246  388,614  777,228 
Source: EvaluateEnergy® ©2025 EvaluateEnergy Ltd