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Evaluate Energy’s Global M & A database gives you the Value of all the latest
oil and gas deals worldwide by Company type, by Asset type, by Country and links
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Updated daily and customisable.
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while Full subscribers can access all archived deals and view the full operating
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Evaluate Energy offers a unique feed of company press releases and company profiles
from annual filings, dating back to 1998, with history no longer available on company
websites. You can filter and customize reports based on country, business segment,
company and date.
Guest and Registered Users can access a selection of the latest New & Analysis
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Energy Professionals will benefit from the more in-depth data coverage and analysis available
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data and the best, most flexible tools in the business to generate solutions you need today.
We offer subscriptions to suit every type of company and every type of information requirement.
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As a Full Subscriber you benefit by having all your company analysis needs in one place.
It’s like having a team of experienced oil and gas analysts working for you day and night –
but at a fraction of the cost. You will receive:
Up-to-the-minute oil and gas company financial and operating data going back to 1989,
including detailed upstream FAS69 data from the SEC, finding and development costs,
reserve replacement analysis, and a unique world refinery database
Ability to select the company coverage you want: Major International companies, Junior International companies, National Oil Companies, Canadian Oil companies.
Comprehensive Global M&A deals, Oil Sands Projects & Economics
Company news, profiles and forecasts
- Great Software: Unlimited Excel® downloads, report customisation, screening tools, layout and charting tools plus exceptional data transparency.
For a full description of our Products, please click here.
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